
July 2018


So this week the weather was great. But the people were in the same old uncomfortable state. One guy came put of his house to yell at us about walking his neighborhood. Asked us where we are from then he departed with a couple of choice words and telling us to go back there. Because they didn't want us to be here. Another guy after we asked if we could help them with anything. He replied with a yes followed by you your Mormon people can get it of the country. My dad tells a story about when they had some people in a mustang give them a thumbs up then flip it to a thumbs down. I guess that is a huge Cali thing cause it happens all the time. 

Well for a better note we had a stellar lesson with Wes on Saturday we taught the gospel of Jesus Christ which is faith, repentance, baptism, gift of the Holy Ghost, then endure to the end. His girlfriend came to the lesson who is a member. Wes just told her about him taking the lessons when we got to the lessons. Wes has talked about serving a mission and his girlfriend said that she want to as well. So after the lesson we had a 30 min mission prep question and answer. It was sweet!!! 

For church we are expecting 10 people to come which is a crazy amount. I usually only expect one to come at a time. But now we have a possibility of 10. Crazy. So out of all these people Wes is the only one that showed and he loved it. We are going to meet with him this week and talk about the laws and commandment. I love this kid. For me it is the best part of missionary work when you are able to see that switch flip and they enjoy learning about the gospel, and man it is even better when that switch flip all the way and they decide to get baptized. 

All in all it wad a great week. We moved out of the members house and into our own apartment. Got yelled at, people tried to tell us things that are false, and had a stellar lesson.


So this week was great. Thank you all for the birthday wishes it meant a lot. The 4th of July was great we got to play corn hole with the Bellisario family. They are super cool. Then we had root beer floats with the Morrison's. It was a fun week! The best part about it though had to be Sunday. When Enrique came to church, it was so nice to see him there. He loves it the talks were amazing it was one of those meeting where that you dream of for your investigator, because all the talks spoke to him. So that was the highlight of the week.
So the new news for the missionaries is that the Preach my Gospel, which is the manual that missionaries follow, to teach them how to do missionary work, has been updated.  So with all that said this week has been over all amazing with a lot of ups and downs. What more could I ask for. The time moves so fast.


This week went by so fast as normal. Nothing really extraordinary happened. We got bashed by a beekeeper, talked to a guy that says he is Mormon on the inside but not on the outside because he belomgsnto the self realization fellowship (who has this huge compound off the 101 coastal highway overlooking the ocean. We passed out copies of the book of Mormon to this group of surfer dudes who know one of our investigators. The surfer guys take the book to the beach and start to read it with one of the girls in our ward. On Saturday I got to ride a bike. Which I haven't really got to do since September. I thought I would have died a whole lot more than I did. The Del Mar ward has some big hills. We were able to do a lot of service, and had many gospel conversations with people we talked to on the street. Hope y'all are having a great time it is paradise here.


What a week this has been! It has been full of just super high moments followed by super low ones. This week like normal we had two district meeting we had to go to. There were good to be at thius zone gas great district leaders and great missionaries. One of the two investigators we have is out of town till next week which is a bummer. But on the plus side we were able to have a meeting with Enrique. We talked about the importance of  the family and shsred parts of the restoration. It is super nice to be able to sit in a house and to preach the doctrine of christ and his restored gospel. You feel like a missionary It is a great feeling to have. We also we able to talk to a lot of people this week.

On the other side though this week has been full of let down. We meet with this guy that says he knows the book of Mormon to be true and says he is a Mormon on the inside. But he doesn't want to leave the church he has been going to for 50 years. It is sad when people know it but can't the the leap of faith. 

This week has been memorable and I hope that your week has been the same, hopefully with a little bit more ups than downs.

So lightning striked twice with having elder Cattich and I serve as companion again after being companions over a year ago. But the storm has passed and they are splitting us up. Elder Cattich is going to Vista. I will remain here in the Cardiff ward. My new comp will be Elder Gardner from Texas. Looking forward for this transfer. 
We have had a lot of new move is tithe ward and they are all super cool.

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